Friday, July 27, 2007

Book Signing

Book Signing, originally uploaded by Martin~

I can imagine that as an author it could be quite a daunting experience, attending to one's own book signing with what is likely to be a highly personal and significant piece of work. Answering the querying public's polite and possibly not so polite, sometimes inane and other times intelligent questions, concerning something into which one has poured heart and soul. This cheery author however expressed a quiet confidence in the timelessness of her message and its widespread applicability. Whilst initially cautious about being photographed, she readily consented after I explained my interest in street photography and desire to document her book signing.

FYI "Shafts of Light" by Elizabeth Weston is a fictional work and available through the Angus & Robertson bookstore in Post Office Square, Brisbane.

1 comment:

Boyd said...

Martin. This is a nicely engaging shot to document an event that you definitely do not see every day in Brisbane. I wonder how the author felt with Harry looking over her shoulder?